Keeping An Eye On The Target (Zapfic)

The zapfic of the week, using the prompt 'Agent' released this Monday, and we have to write our short story, in 240 characters or less.

These ones can be tougher than the 50 word stories I find, but they can still be fun.

Link To The Prompt Post For Rules.


The room was full; plenty of people made for cover, perfect to conceal movements, and loud enough to drown out sound.

Stalking his target from room to room was tough, especially as he tried to stay out of sight.

Information is expensive.

For this one, I didn't hit the mark perfectly - I like to try and hit 240 exactly if I can, but 239 will have to do for this one.

I enjoyed it and think the Agent 47 vibe was an entertaining to write. I've played the Hitman games, I'm that good at them though. Going for that style might be a good idea, and make for a good challenge for a short story.

Building tension would be the key to a project like that.

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