A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

This photo was generated by AI for the purpose of Pic1000

Hi! Friends, this my post for pictureprompt pic1000
I see a dragon in the forest, where he saw a light looked like a he found this energy at here. This dragon colors is contrasting like a forest they both shine like a city was decorated different colors of bulbs.
In this forest where the beautiful dragon lives, there is a gigantic amber-scaled creature whose majesty rivals the morning sunlight filtering through the trees. Her body is very beautiful. Compared to reality (the forest), the colors are different, so the animals are said to be distilled from the elements of the forest. A carpet of bright, deep blue leaves that rival the pristine summer sky. Its belly shines with a soft, golden light, as if the sun were in its recesses. Its green color blends with the leaves, but its blue light ripples the dew on the leaves. Nature has chosen a very beautiful color for this fish, where the golden color of its belly deceives the eye like the sun in the forest. and balance. It perfectly absorbs the energy and structure of the forest. The secret is that everything is fake. This is the real pain of our safe and predictable life. Only those who pass through the known and enter the unknown will find the truth.

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