13 March 2024: mariannewest's! Freewrite Writing Prompt Day is 2310: courage from the keyboard!


This is my entry about dailyprompt by the @dailyprompt from the @freewritehouse

In a glittering books store, Emma has been familiar with tale of the past represented through vintage typewriter placed there that keys are groaning as even though they want to show those testimonies. Sweating, she began typing her phrases one after the other for her concerned eyes may also want to suppose courage from the keyboard, turn out to be now not just a metaphor, it end up a manner to carry her feelings. goals have been imprinted in every phrase and every sentence discovered out a passion with each weave. organized to use made-up ink, Emma sensed the capability internal her writing. She promised to carry her tale to all as her trusted pal, a typewriter as the vital issue in this journey that is all of the greater large in as a long way as empowering and sparking alternate.

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