You were late


You were late
I waited for you when spring
made the heart beat, just with a glance.
I waited for you on the nights when the stars
illuminated dreams and I dreamed.
I waited for you with my soul full of hope,
because I loved you.
No matter the weather, I waited patiently for you.
And spring passed, autumn came
and the cold winter covered me.
You arrived late
When the emptiness of the years can't be filled
And the pain of heartbreak can't be healed.
When the mirror gives me back what's left of me
of me, tiredness, disillusionment and the anguish of waiting
of a wait that at times drove me mad.
You arrived late
What fascinated me yesterday is now just a memory,
the yellow page of the book I got tired of writing,
scraps of a story that could have had a happy ending.
You arrived and I almost didn't recognise you, lost in a yesterday
that I waited for so many years and that never came.

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