My Baby-Girl - Now A Young Woman || A FreeWrite


That's my baby! No matter how old she gets, she will always be my baby. My firstborn. It isn't easy to let go. But I have to! It's the way of life.

Just days away and I am prepared, of course, I knew this day would come, but it doesn't make it any easier. My firstborn will be off to Uni in less than a week. This day next week, she will not be in her room. She will not help me cook rice or keep an eye on the boys when I have to go out. She won't be checking in on me to hang out with friends or to send her places. She won't be asking me if her outfit looks alright. I won't be able to catch her when she's moody to find out if everything is okay. She won't tell me to get to bed, that I am staying up too late Hive'ing and I can't do the same for her when she gets too loud playing Valorant late into the night... hmmmm, maybe I can still call her and check whether she's in bed - No! Sh33la- NO!!

I told her, I still want her to at least text me. Every single night to let me know the day was good and everything is alright with her. Hey, that's okay, right? We are pretty close, and according to her, we don't have the usual Mother/Daughter relationship. That she tells me everything and her friends are shocked at the things she shares with me. honestly, my mother and I shared a similar relationship, so...

Am I finding it hard to let go? Hahaha - you know the answer to that! As the firstborn, I may have done a fair amount of molly-coddling and helicopter parenting. I wanted to save her from the pain and heartache of life. And yes, I agree I am delusional. The only thing I can do is be there to hold her hand and lend her a shoulder and give her hug or just words of encouragement - because life gets everyone. It's called living. And the best a parent can do is allow them their journey and be there for them.

So, it is a big thing for us. She is the first one in her generation going to local Uni, and with her first choice too. So, of course, we had to celebrate. And you can see she is starting to get more confident, not needing to check with me for opinions and suggestions, making her own decisions. My baby girl, now a young woman.

I am going to miss her terribly. Thank goodness there are video calls. So, anyway, we went out for a meal together. Which is allowed with all SOPs in place. Something we haven't done since lockdown. And probably not again till I'm not sure when. We do try and stay at home unless it is necessary to go out.


We settled for Western-Mexican fusion at Chilis. Nachos and fajitas, ribs & mini burgers. Ordered to share amongst the 6 of us. A family that eats together right?

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This is for the prompt close dropped my @MarianneWest. You can swing on over HERE to read what the other Freewriters came up with :D

Thank you for dropping in and hanging out. Till next time, Carpe Diem❣️

All images are from My Gallery
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