Vista de la Muralla/View of the wall

Mauricio era un hombre sumamente ocupado, que no tenia tiempo de detenerse a pensar en otra cosa que no fuese su trabajo, asi se iban los días y las semanas, descuidando la familia y amigos en el proceso.

Ya sin nadie a quien querer o con quien estar le llegaban las navidades y año nuevo fechas que buscaba ocupar de cualquier forma posible, su tiempo libre, las festividades poco apoco se transformaron en sus peores días, pues llegaba un momento en el cual no podía disimular su soledad.

Aquellas reuniones familiares, y con amistades, quedaban en el olvido, esas charlas interminables, aquellas fiestas, parecían ser otra vida, no para el.

Mauricio había construido una muralla, que le sepraba de la alegría, solo era util para una compañia, para el trabajo, pero su salud mental y espiritual estaba estancada, siemplemente no podía más.

Se quedaba solo en su casa viendo fotogrfías enlas redes sociales de aquellos que solían ser sus amigos, disfrutando en grupo, mientras el de alguna forma los espiaba, como alguien que tiene solo la vista sobre una muralla, solo que ahora no es a través de un agujero, presencial sino de aquel que brindan las redes.

El desde su escondite digital mira y sueña, mira como pudo ser su vida y sueña con tener la fortaleza de romper esos malos habitos y retomar una felicidad, de tener unas fiestas felices y alegres sin tener que mirar a traves de la muralla...

Muchas gracias por leer...



Mauricio was an extremely busy man, who had no time to stop and think about anything other than his work, so the days and weeks went by, neglecting family and friends in the process.

With no one to love or to be with, Christmas and New Year's Eve came, dates that he tried to occupy his free time in any way possible, the festivities gradually became his worst days, because there came a time when he could not hide his loneliness.

Those family and friends meetings were forgotten, those endless chats, those parties, seemed to be another life, not for him.

Mauricio had built a wall, which separated him from joy, he was only useful for a company, for work, but his mental and spiritual health was stagnant, he simply could not take it anymore.

He stayed alone at home watching pictures on social networks of those who used to be his friends, enjoying in group, while he somehow spied on them, as someone who has only the view on a wall, only now it is not through a hole, in person but through the one provided by the networks.

From his digital hiding place he looks and dreams, he looks at how his life could have been and dreams of having the strength to break those bad habits and take up a happiness, to have happy and joyful holidays without having to look through the wall...

Thank you very much for reading...

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