The cat dislike the Winter season: A picture is worth a thousand words

It was in a winter season, Dalia forget to buy a new house as she supposed to for her cat, she called her cat Devia, when she gets home from work, she go to where she keeps her books and brought out a carton paper, the one that is used to cover books and place it on the ground for her cat to lie, the cat didn't feel so good about it, but she had to manage because the cool was too much, Dalia work in a book shop, that was the only thing that was left in her room when she forgets to buy the little house for her cat.

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The way her cat look at her that night was so surprising for her, because it was so different from what she knows, see noticed her cat is still feeling cool, when she was back the other day, she comes back with her little wooden house to cover her cat appropriately in the winter season, when her cat saw her with the wooden house, she jumped up on her, Dalia understand what makes her gave that looks the other day and urge her not to feel bad anymore that she was too busy that she could forget her wooden house.

The cat maow at her to tell her, it is alright, she understands and it is awesome that she comes home with her wooden house this time, Dalia make a delicacy for her to warm her and she enjoyed it, Dalia love her cat so dearly, if her cat is not happy the same thing would affect her, she care for her cat always, as a friend and as a family.

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