Dangerous Discoveries


Humans generally are always in search of new discoveries mostly for scientists who are always curious to discover new things. Like aliens, space, and even humans as well i guess the saying of not letting your emotions get the best of you is really true for few scientists i could say they let their curiosity get the better of them.

In search for more knowledge scientists go beyond their limits finding new discoveries whether good or bad. Form movies we've seen how dangerous discoveries affects man kind as a whole and this discoveries were also made by man rather than letting things be, in pursue of power and knowledge man kind as well get to be at risk from discoveries made by man.

While we are yet to experience major events that could lead to human extinction or even the destruction of earth itself, man still carries out dangerous discoveries in the shadows that could lead to our very own extinction but i guess man knows better we'd always look for a way to survive.

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Have a wonderful week ahead .

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