Day 1607 : 5 minutes Freewrite : Wednesday - prompt : red fox


The sorceress raised her magic stick in attempt to bewitch the red fox. She groaned and covered her eyes, it's red emits was distracting her.
She was about making a second attempt, the red fox disappeared into the woods.
It spit on the ground in anger, she will come back for it.
She was in need of a red fox to increase her power, it was so difficult for her to do so.

She wants to be the most powerful and feared in Dimous city.

In her house,she keep practicing and thinking for a way to bewitch the fox without any troubles like before.

The next night she Stormed the forest for her ultimate search.

She came prepared with a hug pot and two matchets.
The pot was in the middle with the two matchets side by side.

She threw something that made the red fox running to her. She raised her magic stick, suddenly a fire started the red fox was inside the big pot.

She laughed removed one the matchet and killed the red fox. She poured the blood in a cup.

She made her U-turn to leave, she was stuck. She tried for the fourth time, no change.
"no oooooooooo!!!!" she shouted.

This short story is a five-minute freewrite inspired by the daily freewrite prompt: "red fox". Join the @freewritehouse community to receive daily prompts, hosted by @mariannewest

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