Freewriters dailyprompt: Pure fun


"Hey Zara, we will be going to the beach by the weekend, would you like to come along?"

I thought to myself, I need to complete my book by the weekend, I don't think I will love to go, still contemplating on my reply. Serah snapped out.

"Are you asking her, she is surely coming with us whether she likes it or not"

I looked at her amused face and furrowed eyebrows.

"You know I have to finish my book over the weekend"

"Girl! You need to breathe, give yourself some space, it's a girls outing, you can't afford to miss it"

"It's being long I actually have fun"

"Oh really"

"You need to hit it hard, you're coming and we need to look hot"

"Zara needs to start by removing those glasses, it makes you look like a ned" Gloria finally spoke up.

"Ok, guys this is it, we will be going for shopping, we are not wearing any old clothes"

"No old clothes guys" as we all chorused at the same time. I miss my girls. It 's all going to be pure fun this weekend.

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