A picture worth 1000 words. The convo between the 2 worlds.

The portal will convey you to a world where you tend meet a new life and a sweet beginning.

Justine stood for a while with a thought of how life has messed him up in a world like this.

“But this is not fair.”

Justine said to himself, why will one come to a world like this with nothing to show for it.

People live their lives in full satisfaction with almost everything at their fingertips.

Are we not in the same world?

Do we not do almost the same thing?

I am even better than some but yet life has been so cruel that it just sidelines some of us giving almost everything to these other people.

“The best thing is just to leave this other part of life and start again in another world.”

A voice from the Portal tried to convince Justine.

Justine stood on a rock in-between him and the Portal is a big sea. But then Justine stood, thinking about the whole scenario, his family and friends.

Will I just leave all these people and travel to a land where I have no idea what it looks like?

How sure am I that the world beyond will not be worse than what I am facing over here?

Justine thought of all these and then walked away from the conversation with his thought of getting a better life but what will be a better life when there are no family and friends to express the joy of increase and a better life with them.

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