Small efforts can make a difference - Freewrite

Hey Everyone, I hope you are fine and doing great. This is my entry for the Free Write contest run by @mariannewest, today's topic is "Community Organizer". I hope this free write Will be helpful and will enhance your knowledge.

Once There was a woman, her name was Sarah, she was working as a community Organizer and she was very dedicated and passionate about her work and she always brings people closer and try to make positive changes in their lives.

Sarah was living in a small town and due to her job as a community Organizer she knew many people in the area.

She had seen how the town had changed over the years and was committed to making it a better place for everyone.

One day she was walking in the town and noticed that someone had thrown a lot of litter on the Streets, this litter was making the streets look unappealing and messy. She comes with an idea and tried to organize a community cleanup Even.

She visited every house in the town and encourage them to join this event. As far as money is concerned she contacted local businesses to be a part of this event. Within a very short period of time, there was a big team of volunteers gathered to do the task.

On the day of the cleanup event, Sarah and her team were out early in the morning, they were armed with gloves and garbage bags. They went around the town together, picking up litter and cleaning up the streets. As they worked, they attracted the attention of passersby who were impressed by their dedication.

The cleanup event was a huge success, and the town looked cleaner and more beautiful than ever.

Small efforts can make a difference

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