Snook’s “Create a Zombie” Challenge.


Smart Zombies

Their insatiable appetite had us locking our doors, but it wasn’t much use. The Zombie Apocalypse was upon us, we shivered and planned our escape. Who wants their brains eaten in front of their family, after all. Who?

Of course, the whole thing was Nostradamus’ fault. He predicted the “coming” as early as 1555, but who knew that it would spill over from 2021, into 2022. But it had! And now, and now...the blighters were everywhere, in the forests, in the towns, wandering the streets at night in fast cars (of course, this was all because of all the self-driving cars - zombie transport;zombies had never been able to drive before...)

Then there was AI, OMG, brains for zombies. Zombies had never been able to think, they were dead, their brains eaten by worms long before the began their reign of terror. But, now, thanks to the excellent Machine Learning algorithms developed by software engineers, zombies COULD THINK. OMG!

Zombies had become expert hackers, they were hacking IOT systems, left and right. Using their AI powered “brains” to open doors, switch on lights, and even switch on computers. Their favorite trick was to ask for directions to crowd-events, where a feast was assured. They were all over social media, spying out brains, and they had “inside” access to the news, which they could, now, UNDERSTAND. Things were looking grim. Grim, indeed!

But the worst thing of ALL, was GPS. Location tracking was Zombie Heaven (yes, I know, I know…) All they had to do to track healthy humans was to track Smartphones (which, they estimated, would only be in the hands of Smart People, they were zombies, after all, but, but, think about it…)

But, we planned our escape…

Naturally, there was only one sure way to beat the AI powered, IOT hacking, car-driving, GPS tracking zombies and that was to run (without a Smartphone, of course) to a rural place where Internet access was slim and all the modern zombie tricks were of limited use.

This was all working out well, people fled the cities, found land next to water (zombies are afraid of water, just so you know…). They could live off the grid, no IOT in sight, grow their own food, you know, that sort of thing.

This was working out well, but then, then…

They announce Satellite Internet- Internet access for all (even in remote rural areas)

The Zombies rejoiced. And we, we...were afraid, VERY AFRAID!

The only thing that can save us now is if Nostradamus’ predicted asteroid hit for 2022 annihilates the Internet Satellites! OMG, what a shame.


Art work by me using Assembly and Art Studio on iPad. Elements in the image (phone) from

Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus)

In Les Prophéties (1555)

Few young people: half−dead to give a start. Dead through spite, he will cause the others to shine, And in an exalted place some great evils to occur: Sad concepts will come to harm each one, Temporal dignified, the Mass to succeed. Fathers and mothers dead of infinite sorrows, Women in mourning, the pestilent she−monster: The Great One to be no more, all the world to end.


Initiative by @snook


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