Colonists. My participation #zapfic50friday

The code on the palm of his hand reminds him he arrived with the first group of space colonists. He was the only survivor when the native fauna exterminated the colony. Now he watches with disgust the lights that descend from the sky, a new group is approaching his domain.

This is my participation in this week's #zapfic50friday. It was super easy for me to tell this story in exactly 50 words, but also super fun.
I don't speak English very well, but there I go helping myself with the tools that technology puts at my disposal, having fun, learning and taking on new challenges.

I want to invite my dear @aurodivys to accept the challenge of participating, if you don't have time for this edition, then for the next one. I leave the link to all those who want to take on the challenge.


The cover image is my property.
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