
Like always...

10 days before my menstruation, I feel sloppy, not so much of feeling messy, but I will feel very, like veryyyyy lazy, slow, laid back, somehow a little emotional. As I type, I thought of a life of a snail. Not sure why I relate snail with sloppiness. Sorry, le snail. Let me make a quick sketch of a snail.


If I had a choice, I would love to sit there, do nothing but drawing and reading whole day, while the floor is not swept or mopped, clothes not folded. What a sloppy sluggish mom! 😜

But then again, I also choose not to be as such. Gearing up my whole body, mind and soul to get going. To remind myself that time waits for no one. If there is any moment for self-improvement, or learning something new, it is now. No more procrastination. No more laid back. But when I feel tired, I will also slot in some power nap. Power nap, as short as 30 minutes, works wonder to my body, even better than coffee.

Out of a sudden, I thought of those puppy dog who gives its owner those super sloppy kisses with lots of licks. And saliva here and there. Such a joy on the owner's face which I would never understand. Haha. I don't have a puppy dog as pet before so I won't be able to understand that kind of bliss. But if I were ask to give my children that sort of sloppy kiss, I surely do not mind!


How sloppy are you today?




This is another 5-minute freewrite using daily prompt by @mariannewest. You can check her out. I love freewrite because anything goes, no right or wrong, but having fun writing your thoughts or story. If you want to know more about 5-minute freewrite, click here.. Join us as at the @freewritehouse

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