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Highland / Freewrite's Prompt by @mariannewest

This prompt is timely because I ordered corns from a Cameron Highland. Economy is tough. Everyone is going online, social media, publicity to upkeep the sales. A lady and his bunch of friends wanted to help some uncles aunties at Cameron Highland who are not knowledgeable in online sales, to sell their farm products. Their famous ones are...

Grade AAA Corn

Famous for its natural sweetness, and can be eaten raw, people call it fruit corn. Some called it white corn because the colour. Best eaten steamed, you may boil too but may waste the natural sweetness as it seeps into the boiling water. You can grill and bake it too. I tried it, steamed. And I tell you, super yummy, don't need to add salt or butter. Yummy juicy on its own.

Grade A Corn

Similar to Grade AAA, but smaller in size. Same sweetness. Same yummyness.

They are abit pricey, but I don't mind to buy once in a blue moon to support the locals, since it comes all the way from Cameron Highland. Cameron Highland itself is a tourist place, famous for its tea plantation and strawberries farm. I hope after Covid19 here is better, we can once again make a trip there.

This is another 5-minute freewrite using daily prompt by @mariannewest. You can check her out. I love freewrite because anything goes, no right or wrong, but having fun writing your thoughts or story. If you want to know more about 5-minute freewrite, click here.. Join us as at the @freewritehouse