
Using delivery services is no longer a foreign to me right now, as a matter of fact, I started accustomed to delivery service since last year March, the onset of Movement Control Order in our country to stop to spread of Covid19. It started of with little online purchase to get some homewears for the eldest son who outgrew his clothes too soon, to groceries purchases and then to food delivery on days I wasn't up for cooking and cleaning kitchen. Even the delivery man could recognise a few of us mothers already. Yes, I also bought spices and herbs and baking stuff online. I even bought handwash, laundry detergent and shampoo online because it was very inconvenient to visit the mart with two children tagging alone. Children are at high risk, more so for Jansen who has 1 and half functioning lungs.

And then, I up-ed the game by making alot of delivery services, sending birthday cakes or food or desserts to my friends and families, just to cheer them up for being at home for months. Just only today, I sent Starbucks coffee to my brother who stayed nearby, but I was inconvenient to go out and buy, then deliver to him. He was happy to get the coffee drink, timely for him. And chocolate drink for his children.


Actually, I also received delivery from my friends, food delivery like cakes and coffee as well. Last week, my friend from another state ordered Starbucks for me too, my favourite Cappuccino with two doughnuts.



Talking about delivery, I remembered something which made me laughed. One of my neighbours who so happened went down with me to the lobby to get her parcel from the delivery man, suddenly replied this upon receiving her parcel, "Thank you, darling." The delivery stunned while knowing it was a mistake, yet purposely stared at her till she realised it. "Eh, sorry sorry, boss. Thank you, boss." She was so embarrassed that she bowed her head a little while heading towards the lift to go up. Haha. The delivery man told me, "must be too long stuck at home, everyday call her darling this, darling that."





This is another 5-minute freewrite using daily prompt by @mariannewest. You can check her out. I love freewrite because anything goes, no right or wrong, but having fun writing your thoughts or story. If you want to know more about 5-minute freewrite, click here.. Join us as at the @freewritehouse

❤️Love from me❤️

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