My Five Minutes of Free Writing #97 / Woolly Mammoth



If we think about the woolly mammoth, there are many things we can refer to, from the causes of its extinction, how it lived, its adaptation to withstand low temperatures and even the valuable prey it became for man.

Although studies shed little light on all these things (not as we would like) and there is a high level of speculation about the life of these giants, since there is no reliable proof of the causes of their extinction, among the set of hypotheses is the indiscriminate hunting for the resources that this animal provided to the men who lived in their time.

I dare to catalog it as the "miraculous hunt" because according to what I read, it was hunted not only for the large amount of meat to feed a large population, but also for its skin to make clothes that would allow men to keep warm at that time, not to mention that its long tusks could be used for multiple uses including the construction of houses and hunting utensils.

If we focus on their adaptive capacity that allowed them to survive in sub-zero temperatures, they developed a waterproof coat and a thick layer of fat that allowed them to retain body heat.

Now, even having developed such useful adaptations for survival, all this was not enough to prevail through time and avoid extinction, all this seems not to have been enough in the face of the fiercest predator known on the face of the earth, the human being.

The human being has managed to adapt to the most hostile environments and has won the fight against all the natural predators that have existed, demonstrating that he was given the ability to rule over creation according to what the bible teaches.

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