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My Five Minutes of Free Writing #83 / rabies



Rage and anger have always been enemies of sanity, when decisions are made under anger we almost always end up in trouble and regretting the consequences, so it is not good to make decisions or act while our heads are "hot".

Nowadays there is a concept that has become very popular and it is called emotional intelligence, this ability has even become a requirement for some companies to hire their CEO, sometimes the lack of this quality has become a reason for dismissal of some directors or group leaders.

Learning to master emotions is essential for the success of a project, a relationship and even our own family, among the most harmful emotions is anger, not in vain Proverbs 4:17 says: "He that is quick to anger will do foolishness: and a malicious man shall be hated."

The person who is easily angered is prone to commit folly and the bible is one of our best references for advice about this evil for example:

James 1:19 Therefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
James 1:20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

Surely if we were to do a quick exercise where we have to remember and relive some moments where we made decisions blinded by anger, whose decision we have ended up regretting because of the consequences of our decisions, I am sure that most of us throughout life have recorded some episode of which we are ashamed and regret.

We must learn to control anger if we want to avoid problems, if we are interested in our marital relationship, our family and even our work, emotional intelligence, self-control or temperance is a fruit of the spirit that we must cultivate to live a better life, away from many problems.

Let me know what you think!