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My Five Minutes of Free Writing #72 / bleeding



I am a devout believer and a faithful follower of Jesus and his miracles. One of the most powerful miracles was the one that happened to a woman suffering from a blood flow disease.

The bible records the case of a woman with abundant and prolonged bleeding who had exhausted all the resources she had and was not getting any positive result for the disease that afflicted her, however, in the midst of her situation she heard about Jesus and as her last resort she turned to him.

I am struck by the demonstration of e that she showed, it is possible that it was because this had become her last hope, or some unknown reason, however, this woman showed determination on her way to connect with the one she believed would bring her healing.

There are several things to note about this story, firstly although she had tried everything for fourteen years, she never gave up hope or gave up.

The second thing is that she was willing to do whatever it took to get to Jesus, she risked all that was necessary to get to where he was, with an impressive demonstration of e because she thought that if she could just touch the hem of Jesus' garment she would be healed.

Thus it was that in the midst of a huge crowd that imprisoned Jesus she managed with great effort to "sneak" through the crowd and do what she had previously planned, which was to touch the garments of Jesus.

The result was that when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment the bleeding stopped immediately and one of the most impressive miracles recorded in scripture took place.

The bible records many stories of faith that strengthen the faith of us in this day and age, some are skeptical about believing the stories in the bible but for believers they are fascinating and very inspiring stories.

Let me know what you think!