No Mad People's Smiles | A 5-Minute Freewrite

You know politicians are evil when they are able to threaten individuals or groups on live television wearing their best smile.


No Mad People's Smiles

Some politicians are just corrupt; other are mediocre and incompetent; others want to be celebrities and will do anything to be liked by most; and yet other are pure evil. These are the ones to fear the most.

You know politicians are evil when they are able to threaten individuals or groups on live television wearing their best smile.

We have plenty of those in Venezuela. Chavez inaugurated a new era in politics. He was not a politician, but a military and as such he was used to just giving orders. In the military, there are drastic methods to get rid of those who may pose a threat to an evil agenda. When that kind of military become politicians and end up ruling a while country, then we have what we have now. After a while, the military mentality is imposed on the civilian body and politics become a filthy game.

Most of the leaders of the Bolivarian revolution have been evil in all the extent of the word. Whether they are young, old, women, gays, lesbians, or representative of indigenous peoples, they have made sure that their ideological and personal interest are prioritized. They have shown automatic solidarity with the party and always have a smile to give while making the most outrageous statements: “There are no political prisoners (only prisoners who happen to be politicians); there is not economic crisis in Venezuela; it is false that people are leaving the country in amounts that represent a migration crisis; there are no children in the streets; our prisons are free of weapons, drugs, and violence; human rights are respected like nowhere else in the world; those who criticize the revolution are delusional; the government provides free and high quality education and health services; we are champions in the preservation of our natural resources and the defense of our indigenous people;" and a long list of lies that have zero basis in reality.

They do know how to create their own reality, though and curiously some people here and elsewhere believes them. Who would resist such smiles?


As Hector Lavoe's song says, esa risa no es de loco/ se están riendo de mi... (that laughter is no madman's; they are laughing at me)

Thanks for your reading

This was my entry to @mariannewest and @latino.romano’s 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday Prompt: EVIL SMILE. You can see the details here.

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