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Color Suckers (A Five-Minute Freewrite)

Before they sucked the color from everything, even from the cereal boxes, eating cereal for breakfast was a fancy thing.


I do not remember how expensive cereal was, compared to other foods, but in my small rural town cereals were seen as a city people invention; it was the kind of food lazy people would have. Country people had fried fish or pork and arepas for breakfast; we had arepas with fried eggs, cheese and fried plantains, accompanied by a hot cafe con leche. That was real food.

Breakfast was supposed to be laborious, fragrant, and hearty.
However, breakfast cereal for kids was a dream come true. It was like a hot dog or pop corn on San Juan's Day.

Even if it did not smell like anything, cereal with milk was like tasting life in the city, life closer to progress, life out of the countryside.

They said they were doing it for a good cause, taking the color out of the boxes. They said they were doing it for the planet. They also said that about so many other things. They said that about deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and so many other things that became unaffordable. Our indians did not use any of that; they lived in harmony with the earth. We'd be better off without all those things, they said.


Maybe they are right.
Who needs a stupid colorful box of chemical for breakfast?
Problem is we can't get fish now either, or eggs, or pork, or milk. So much for saving the planet.
Although now that I think about it, they may be doing a great job. People are the planet's main problem, and they are helping the planet get rid of people.

This was my 4th day without Twitter and it feels good so far.

and this was my entry to @mariannewest’s 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: breakfast cereal. Details here.

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