
So at some point of my life I wanted to grow my finger nails cause I felt it gonna be cool to have some. But there are some disadvantages that comes with this, is that you won't won't be able to grab things properly, you can't do your laundry yourself or even If you tried the clothes wont be properly washed cause the nails are preventing friction between your hands and the clothes. Manicure appointments are quite expensive in the part I live in so it’s really not a welcoming idea when you are trying to cut down expenses.

Keeping longer nails in an African home is a big No cause African (especially Nigerian parents) use it as a yardstick that you are Lazy. I could when my brother stared keeping he’s nails tho they where beautiful because he has butterfly fingers but my dad frowned at it because he became lazy didn’t want to participate in any house chores so he’s nails don’t break.


Long fingernails can come in handy when it comes to pop a acne’s on my face, picking leftovers of meat stuck In between teeth, lols I know it’s not healthy but what will you do when you are too lazy to get a tooth pick. For the ladies long finger nails can be used as a defense or offense mechanism during a fight, this is ain’t new I have witness so many ladies fight is either they are pulling their hair or trying to scratch their faces.

I haven't been able to keep long finger nails cause any time I try I end up eating them. And secondly taking care of them can be so demanding. With frequent appointments at the nail parlor, I really not that patient enough to get my nails fixed by the attendant.

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