Zapfic Monday- My hands were shaking

In high school, I participated in a debate competition. Initially, I was nervous, but I grew the courage and I thought to myself I've got this. I presented my points and the panel of Judges were pleased. I emerged the winner of the debate.

Full story

When I found out I am going to be a panel of judges, I was a little nerves at first I thought to myself how can I do this, how can I do a good job debating and how can I impress the panel of judges.

I had to prepare for 4 days before the competition and spent a lot of time preparing notes to take with me and also practiced my presentation skills. The day finally arrived and I was the first one up in the morning. I left the house and went to the conference, my adrenaline was racing.

I was nervous and my hands were shaking when it was my time to speak and Present my point on the topic, when it was time for the questions from the panel of judges I thought to myself you got this. After it was all over, I heard that I had won my debate competition on the spot. The panel of judges were pleased with my points and I emerged the winner of the debate.

The moral of this story is that listening attentively, doing your homework and preparing for any upcoming opportunity you will succeed.

Thanks for reading 💚

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