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I could have just sat down there and watched him tear my lab apart but the truth is
"I was guilty ".
He knew it and I knew it, and that's why he came to my home to instill fear in me before he tore my lab down searching for evidence of my guilt.

But for the fact that I am who I am, I could not watch him destroy all I have labored for, I could not watch him destroy my value as a person and destroy my image for his personal goal.

For if I was found guilty that would be the end of me. I would be put on trial for illegal human operations, unauthorized testing of illegal drugs on humans, human trafficking, and a complete violation of human rights.
I'm a bad person, a really bad man; So now you understand why I did what I did, now you understand why I couldn't let him find what he was looking for, now you understand why I had to kill in cold blood.
Even though he was just like the others buried in my backyard.

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