The Victim

It was exactly 1:00am when we heard a loud bang at the door with a strong voice "open this door"! Everyone was awaken by the noise, and I was scared and had already peed on myself, I still don't know why. 😭😭😭

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We just moved into the neighborhood and so that was our first encounter with thieves I guess they knew that we just moved in and so they came to get their share of what we brought. Dad quietly open the door and they came in.

All of you lay down!! Where is the money??? Dad went in to bring the money and handed it to them they packaged everything including mummy's jeweries and some food stuff.

After they were done they came closer to me and dad said "take all you want but don't hurt us".Laying close to my mum, they pulled me out and took advantage of me, they stole my innocence, they killed my emotions.I was Shattered and depressed I felt like ending my own life I tried on so many occasions but I guess life had it's own plan for me.

My dad couldn't bear to look at my face he felt less of himself for not being able to defend his daughter. Mum kept consoling me and even went for a check up with me good thing is that I was free. Now I live with hatred, bitterness and anger it eating and taking the better part of me. Who can help me from this miserable situation I find myself in? Will I ever love myself again?

...To Be Continued.
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