A dark Tuesday

On Monday morning I started my day very happy and excited. I woke up and did my daily routine at home prepared my break fast and took my bath and rush to work.
I arrived the office about 8:10am in the morning I met my colleagues in the office some of them were before me and some came after I arrived the office.

We started the day in the office as usual after clean up, we started attending to the customers that came in early in the morning, when the queue was reduce then finally we had a mini break, a call came through for one of my colleague which is my friend and she answered the call then we heard screaming,then we were concerned and ask her what information she heard, she said that her brother had slumped she rushed out of the office.
After a while we call to check up on her she told us that her brother was unconscious few hours later she called that we should pray for him and we did as a family. Before the end of work, she confirmed that her brother was getting better and we all went home rejoicing that he was okay.
At about 2:00 a.m. she called us individually that her brother that was better and was discharged from the hospital that evening is unconscious again and that we should pray for his brother to wake up we prayed and waited till morning while we called through out the night hoping he will stay alive for his only sister/sibling but he was already dead by day break.
He died at about 5am on Tuesday morning 😭😭. What a painful way to start a day.


Two of my colleagues and I were ask to go and meet her at the hospital as early as possible then some of my colleagues went to office to work. We where with her the hospital then the death body was deposited at the morgue then we went with to her home to stay with her.


The home experience was very painful seeing her cry uncontrollably, saying everything that came to her mind, remaining everything her brother was to do for her and so on, we couldn't control her but Thank God I'm the evening time she was better than before. She took her bath and eat very little but it's was okay.
We left her about 9pm but one of us started behind with her. I saw a 20 year old boy gone to soon he was born in the 1st February and died on 27 February.
So that how I witnessed a painful 😖 Tuesday.

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