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Bexley ~ Part 2 ~ Prompt: Vampire

He studied her for a moment. Slim build, strong arms and a fire in her emerald eyes he hadn't seen in years. Taking her was probably the most foolish decision he could make, but he was desperate, and if he was lucky he would get a good price for her, that is, if no one recognized him.

“We leave tonight, pack light. I'm not in the habit of turning my horse into a mule.”

She shrugged. “Fine. I close this place down at eleven. I'll meet you out back.”

He reached his hand out, “And I'll be taking my payment now.”

“Ha,” she laughed curtly. “Not a chance. When I'm safely in Wolfpine, I'll hand it over, but not before.”

He searched her eyes again. Snatching the bottle out of her apron pocket would have been easy even if she put up a fight, but something about the way her eyes shimmered in the candle light kept him at bay.
Instead he opened his coat to reveal the red hilt dagger sitting on his hip.

“Most men that try to double cross me, never make it out of the room.”

“Most? So there's been survivors?” she mocked.

He bristled.

“Relax,” she said. “I told you, once you get me there, it's yours.” She smiled slightly. “Besides, I don't think you could do much damage right now anyway. How much blood did you cough up a minute ago? I bet you even have a sharp pain in your lower back.”

Her last statement caught him off guard, but he kept his stoney expression. She was right though, again. His irritation was growing.

“That would be your kidneys,” she continued. “They might even be shutting down. I hope you were serious about leaving tonight. You might not have much time left.” She turned her back to him adjusting the dusty bottles stored on the high shelf. “What do I call you anyway,” she said over her shoulder.
“If you have to call me anything, call me Railan.”

The bell jingled that hung above the door, and two men entered both in long, fur-lined leather trench coats, a mark of the Mountain People. Their hair pulled back into low ponytails, hung past their shoulders. The only differentiating feature was their hair.. One, thick curly and auburn, while the other thin and blond. They sauntered to the counter, seating themselves a few stools down.

“What can I get you fellows?” Bexley asked.

“I'll have a Bloody Mary,” said the auburn hair.

“And I'll have the same.”

Bexely studied them for a moment. “Are we talking a real Bloody Mary, boys?”

They chuckled darkly. “Is there any other kind?”

“Dirty vampires,” he said under his breath.

“What did you say?” They were both on their feet in seconds.

“You heard me,” he said standing to face them.

The blond didn't hesitate, but took two steps and punched him square in the jaw. He staggered one step and swung his right fist into the blond's rib cage, causing him stumble backwards into a table. The auburn lunged with a knife, but he blocked it. As the blond found his feet, he drew his pistol. A bang deafened the bar, as the blond fell over, and lay still on the ground. A second shot rang, and the auburn fell to his knees, then face planted onto the dusty wood floor.

Bexley stood steady, rifle raised. “Monsters,” she said in a low voice.

“I couldn't agree more,” he said.

For the past one hundred years, a savage group of Mountain people began to acquire a taste for human blood. It all began during one particularly harsh winter. Eighty percent of the livestock had frozen, and the mass of their stored grain and been destroyed. With the mountains passes inaccessible, no aid could come nor could they travel. Eventually, when the last of their animals had been consumed, they were forced into cannibalism. Some, however, found they preferred the taste to human flesh. Convinced it made them stronger and some even immortal, they began to drink the blood as well. Once the attacks started on those who lived in the valley below, truce had to be struck or war was inevitable. Now, local taverns kept blood stores on hand from Healers. No one asked where it came from.

“We should leave now,” Bexley said, slinging her rifle across her back.

Thanks so much for sharing this with me! This has been a lot fun jumping into a genre I would normally stay away from haha. Thanks @thisisawesome for encouraging me to continue!

Much love,
Stacie D

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

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