Estatuillas de oro y arcilla ! - Club de poesía

En el escenario, aparecieron los bailarines
Semejando a estatuillas de oro y arcilla,
tome tu delicada mano, en tu rostro una sonrisa.

Allí, yo solo pensaba que me sentia afortunado,
tome tu delicada mano y apreté tus dedos,
Momento que resultó eterno.

No sabía que era la última vez que te vería,
Ya nada sería igual, luego de despedirnos,
tu partiste a otras tierras y no te vería más.

© 2023, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved



Gold and clay statuettes

On the stage, the dancers appeared
Resembling gold and clay statuettes,
Take your delicate hand, on your face a smile.

There, I just thought that I felt lucky,
I took your delicate hand and squeezed your fingers,
A moment that turned out to be eternal.

I didn't know it was the last time I would see you,
Nothing would ever be the same again, after we said goodbye,
you left for other lands and I would never see you again.

Translated with (free version)

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