A cry of despair! A 3 part weekend Freewrite 10/10/2020

A cry of despair

He said I didn't have to tell anyone, and I was planning to hold him to that.

So everyone in the meeting was surprised by Miguel's clumsy attitude. Even the atmosphere charged with cigarette smoke did not expect that misunderstanding in which violence had become part of reality.

Suddenly Peter hit the table hard saying:

Miguel you are a coward you have not changed, despite the years you were out of town you are still the hypocritical person we all knew.

Miguel then replied:

"Peter, if I spent many years abroad, at least I changed my scene and I didn't have to put up with people as unpleasant as you, besides, I have my right to be reserved"

The once that were still left were crawling up his neck.

They did not understand why this useless discussion, Beatriz appeared who lovingly passed his hand around Miguel's neck.
The looks of those men shone as she normally behaved frivolously with each of them.

Beatriz told Miguel:

"Miguel, here in town nothing has changed, they are still the same failed men you had known in the past, on the other hand, I see you differently, you wear different clothes and that well-groomed beard gives you away"

Miguel, blushing with shame, managed to tell him:

"Bea, I see that you are nice now, let's go somewhere else, I think neither of us belong to this place"

leaves are falling, both got up from that table and without more with a gesture of disdain to the others Miguel threw some coins on the table saying:

"Friends, here are some coins so that you can continue celebrating your daily misadventures, while I am going to continue with this beautiful woman with whom I have many things to share"

All, with a sullen gesture, accepted Miguel's gesture reluctantly.

Peter, who did not stop in his intrigue, loudly commanded Miguel to stop, he without paying attention took the lady by the arm, they both began to walk towards the exit door of the bar.

When Miguel opened the door, the fateful shot was heard that certainly ended his life.

Beatriz at her side did not understand why her partner suddenly fell to the ground. Trying to help his, she noticed the blood coming out of her chest and with her pale face she announced that they could no longer continue to the place she had invited her. With a cry of despair she shout to those men how wicked they all were.

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

Image source pixabay.com


Un grito de desesperación
Dijo que no tenía que decírselo a nadie y que estaba planeando obligarlo a hacerlo.
Así que todos en la reunión se sorprendieron por la torpe actitud de Miguel. Incluso el ambiente cargado de humo de cigarrillo no esperaba ese malentendido en el que la violencia se había convertido en parte de la realidad.
De repente, Peter golpeó la mesa con fuerza diciendo:
Miguel eres un cobarde no has cambiado, a pesar de los años que estuviste fuera de la ciudad sigues siendo la persona hipócrita que todos conocimos.
Miguel entonces respondió:
"Peter, si estuve muchos años en el extranjero, al menos cambié de aire y no tuve que aguantar a personas tan desagradables como tú, además, tengo mi derecho a ser reservado"
Los que aún quedaban se le subían por el cuello.
No entendieron por qué esta inútil discusión, apareció Beatriz que cariñosamente pasó su mano por el cuello de Miguel.
Las miradas de esos hombres brillaban, ya que normalmente se comportaba frívolamente con cada uno de ellos.
Beatriz le dijo a Miguel:
"Miguel, aquí en el pueblo nada ha cambiado, siguen siendo los mismos fracasados ​​que conociste en el pasado, en cambio te veo diferente, te pones ropa diferente y esa barba bien arreglada te delata"
Miguel, ruborizado de vergüenza, logró decirle:
"Bea, veo que estás bien ahora, vamos a otro lado, creo que ninguno de los dos pertenece a este lugar"
Se caen hojas, ambos se levantaron de esa mesa y sin más con un gesto de desdén a los demás Miguel arrojó unas monedas sobre la mesa diciendo:
"Amigos, aquí hay unas monedas para que sigan celebrando sus desventuras diarias, mientras yo voy a seguir con esta hermosa mujer con la que tengo muchas cosas que compartir".
Todos, con gesto hosco, aceptaron el gesto de Miguel de mala gana.
Peter, que no cesaba en su intriga, ordenó en voz alta a Miguel que se detuviera, él sin prestar atención tomó a la señora del brazo, ambos comenzaron a caminar hacia la puerta de salida del bar.
Cuando Miguel abrió la puerta, se escuchó el fatídico disparo que sin duda acabó con su vida.
Beatriz a su lado no entendía por qué su pareja de repente cayó al suelo. Tratando de ayudarlo, notó que la sangre le salía del pecho y con su rostro pálido anunció que ya no podían continuar hacia el lugar al que la había invitado. Con un grito de desesperación les gritó a esos hombres lo malvados que eran todos.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the 3 part weekend freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

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