Entry for Day 1472: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: something good has begun

My entry for @mariannewest's contest!


Something good has begun, and I don't know what it is. But I feel it coming. After all the despair I've been through, you could say it's about time. Between last time I felt this way and now, it's been forty years. So yeah, I deserve it. Whatever is coming my way, it'd better be big enough to justify everything I've gone through.

My family knows I'm right. They're smiling all the time. I guess they're in on whatever surprise shows up soon enough. Most of my friends seem to be a part of the plot too, because they're either super happy to see me, or vanished from the map completely - those are the ones that can't help but make gossip.

After all my effort, sitting on my throne all day, exhausted, is the only thing for which I still have some strength. My heart is burned out. My muscles and bones have become too fragile in the last few years. I don't know how much longer will I stand the test of time.

But there is one thing I'm still hoping for. Compared to what I've accomplished, it might sound silly, but old men are silly. Maybe this is all about him. Deep in my soul, all I want to do before I'm gone is take a good look at my grandson's face right after he's born.

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