A weird day at the aquarium

Ever since I was a little kid, I had always wanted to visit the aquarium because of what I saw on TV and what I heard from people who had visited the place. Every story told by them is always extremely impressive or surprising; sometimes I wonder if they were lying.

Since the stories are always interesting and adventurous in telling, I started pestering my mom to take me to the aquarium, and she always promised me she would take me there. Two months had passed, and I was still daydreaming about it.

It was a cold evening when my mom got back from work, and she looked at me at the bacon, staring at kids riding their bicycles and having fun. She asked why I didn't join them, and I said I had no interest in riding that evening. She went into the house and brought out my body warmer, wore it for me, and asked me to get into the car.

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"Get into the car, Jake; we are going to the aquarium." When I heard that statement, there was a rebooting in my body's nerves, and it was like a new me was born again. I forgot all my worries, and excitement took hold of me once more. I rushed into the car after getting my body warmer on, and we zoomed off to the city aquarium.

We went to the gate and saw a high counter, though it wasn't high for my mom since she was taller than me. I couldn't tell what was going on, but I heard them talking about tickets. In a short while, I got my ticket, and we were allowed into the aquarium. We walked in and went further into the aquarium. It was like I was walking under the ocean with all the fish swimming above me.

I watched everything in amazement, but something else caught my attention: a lone shark. It didn't swim around like other sharks did, and it kept swimming in cycles. I walked toward the glass that separated us, and I could understand how lonely it is. It reminded me of my lonely days when I had no friends. The best word I could use for description is "Lone at the top," but the shark was lonely at the bottom.

I started having a conversation with it, and any time I asked a question, it either nodded its head or shook its head. I was fascinated by the mystery of what was happening in front of me. I said to the shark, "My name is Jack, so what's yours?" It couldn't reply, but it gave me an expression my mom always gives me anytime she sees me. The shark smiled.
Since that day, anytime I visit the aquarium, I call my big friend Shark Smile.

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Also I would like to wish my partner @wongi a happy new month

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