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Mr. Tom was a hard-tempered jailer; nothing could happen in his prison other than what he wanted. Whenever he used to go to the barracks with his assistants to inspect the jail, the prisoners there used to be afraid of him and move here and there.

No prisoner had the courage to face him.
One morning, he got the news that some prisoners in his prison were digging tunnels in the jail to escape from the jail.

And all those prisoners will go out into the forest on the way to that tunnel. This information was given to him by a prisoner who used to roam the prison for cutting the prisoners' hair etc. He was also the informer of the jailer.

Tom initially did not believe him, but then he reasoned, "Why not confirm that a tunnel is being dug in the prison?" Thinking this, Tom instructed his 20 soldiers to report after looking in every corner of the prison to see where the tunnel was being dug and which prisoners were involved in it.

The soldiers looked around the entire jail but neither found any tunnel nor did it come to know who was digging the tunnel. The soldiers came and gave the report to the jailer. The jailer called his informer who had given this news. The jailer told him that the news he had been told was proved wrong. But the informer did not agree and remained adamant in his insistence.

In fact, it happened that the two prisoners were of some funny type, who, knowing that the prisoner working as a barber was a spy for the jailer, deliberately conveyed this false news to the jailer. And his objective was successful. He wanted to make fun of the jailer and the barber. The barber prisoner gave the names of both of them to the jailer.

In anger, the jailer reached the barracks of both of them prisoners with the barber prisoner, and one of them started laughing at the jailer. The jailer asked him, "Why are you laughing?"

and he asked him show him where the tunnel is. The prisoner still kept on laughing and pointing to the jailer's trouser , said that the tunnel is open here, sir. All the prisoners around him also started laughing at that sight. Jailor Tom's trouser zipper was open. He accidentally forgot to pull the jip of his trouser.

The jailer came back to his office, annoyed at his mistake.

My entry
Day 1694: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: zipper