A picture is worth a thousand words

The photo was taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

The last thing I was expecting was a cake on my birthday because I didn't have money.

So, when Angeline's call came, I didn't even know it was her, because she was using a new phone number to call me.

But it was on my birthday, in a day like this, every calls that came through, I should give an attention to it, and received the good wishes and all of that.

And, i hear the voice, it was beginning to sounds like someone I've known for a long time, but I could not picture who that was so early in my head.

I follow up the call and she said to me her pleasant wishes, I was so happy because the beautiful voice she used to say to me, was one of a kind.

She finished expressing her beautiful words to me, and I was just about to asked who I was talking to, since the call was coming from a contact I didn't have on my phone.

She told me that it is her, Angeline, and it was like a dream because we never spoke for five years, I wonder she was still remembering my birthday.

With her actions, it makes me to know that, when we say good friends, it doesn't matter where someone who loves you are, because when they love you, he or she, is going to think about you.

It doesn't mean, you must settle together for them to do that, sometimes, fate does, and sometimes it doesn't, but because the heart never stop thinking for the people's it care's about.

Moreso, Angeline came with a cake, when i open the door she was just there standing and making the call to me in my house entrance, she butter my birthday for me, I make a wish and one of my wishes was, for God to bless her for me.

And give her more than what she used to buy the birthday cake for me.

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