A picture is worth a thousand words

photo taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

what do you see: I see a hut that seems like it's collapse, but it is not, the hut only looks like it is collapsing, but it was designed that way, I also see that the hut has few blocks, and another thing that is seen in the hut is the white wires.

The white wires look so dangerous, it seems like the electrician did the work and left it halfway.

what do you feel: I feel like the hut is abandoned, and the owner do not want to make used of it again, yet I feel like it can be dangerous, because it might make people to injured theirself, if they go into the hut.

Write a story or poem or about what you think is going: A lot people built beautiful mansion in the territory, then a certain hut was built and abandoned, since the hut has a different style in the territory, it became so popular.

This hut make people to realize that, for something to be popular, it mustn't be beautiful alone, uniqueness also brings popularity, then the man owner of this unique hut gets a letter and the person who wrote to him, demands he wants to buy the popular hut, the owner agreed to the terms and the house was sold at a very reasonable amount.

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