5 minutes freewrite - Tomorrow it would start

The construction company has stopped working on the roads and ditches, I think some of their workers will come tomorrow to finish the works so that they are complete, if they leave the ditches half done.

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It will show like nothing has really been done and the philanthropist who assigned this work for them would blame the construction company for not finishing the works.

I have seen the numbers of car's entering the old construction site, only few car's left and others are still in there, maybe the men that would work are sleeping in this city tonight.

Tomorrow, when the construction work kick off, I will help the workers in showing them where they can get food and other things they need in the neighbourhood.

Tomorrow it will start, so I have to get prepare and finish my own work today, so that I will be free to do my service tomorrow.

Having this little city of ours beautiful is my concern at the moment and until the work on the city is clearly done, I would focus on something else, but at this moment I have to remember that tomorrow it will start, so I have to be ready to show up and give my help.

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