5 minutes freewrite - Included in the box

I have included all the necessary items in the box, _I hope you have opened it and see yourself?.

"I haven't opened it yet, because I've just arrived,

_It's OK, when you are relaxed, go and see for yourself.

We had finished with the call, I was waiting for her cheerful answer, because I have bought for her the fine shoes, she asked for.

I didn't want her to see it, when she was with me, she would be thinking, where did I take the money to buy it, and then reason how admirable I am.

Then I saw her call, and I answered, the cheerful voice, I hoped was in it.

"I love them, they fit me so much. I realized that the shoes make her happy.

Then some months have passed, it was half a year and Vicki came to visit me, as she come to my place, we were together, I was thinking, it was her clothes all together in her box, I didn't know it included a gift.

Admirable as she took it out and gave it to me, I was joyful and said to her.

_So, did you include, a gift for me in that travel bag of yours?

"Yes, I did and, this time I want to give you something, so that you smile in my presence, and I see your cheerful smile.

I replied, _thank you dear and she added "you're welcome.

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