Hot Coals Makes The Best African Jollof Rice - A 5 Minute Freewrite

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The African jollof rice is known to be a very popular dish in many West African countries such as The Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Mali etc. But the way Nigerians prepare their jollof rice is so exceptional that You would not be able to resist it.

I mean, while growing up my family visited the village a couple of times and I began to mingle with the kids there. Most times we would set out to mould sands or play hide and seek as we were traditionally taught. Enjoying the sweet company of one another, we would always come to a pause whenever something was cooking at home.

Not like we were told but the aroma of the African jollof rice always disperses to certain distances and following the aroma, we were always led home to meet a sweet jollof rice.

The taste of this African jollof rice is one that makes you want to eat nonstop. And if you have been to Africa, someone must have told you that the secret to the intelligent taste was the hot coals used in preparing the dish.

Image from unsplash

At least that's what my mother always told me and I have noticed the difference in the taste. The local women however, used firewoods and in the process, coal is being burnt to make a delicious jollof rice. Either way, the dish is and would continue to be a staple in my home, and at parties.

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