Fascinating Energy Production - A Five Minute Freewrite

Image source from Unsplash

It's quite fascinating to sit and watch some science geeks converse about the earth and the big bang theory. As a kid, I felt it was much more beautiful to engage and make meaningful contributions into discussions that revolved around famous inventions and the effects these inventions had in our lives.

But to whom do I owe allegiance if not to my teachers who groomed and instilled in me, substantial knowledge of science at a young age? My science teacher from early high school who spoke a lot about the way energy was being produced still holds a soft spot in my heart, her words still green in my memory. I remember the same topic - Energy production, being one of my favourite things to talk about as I found it interesting to learn about how much primary energy a country extracts from nature.

After school hours, I took a good amount of time reading my science textbook, and asking my dad related questions. Luckily for me, he never hesitated to give an answer to any of my questions. He rather explained it in such a way that more light was shed on the coal and natural gas that was being extracted from the ground. I may not have understood the topic deeply at that time but when our small city experienced a 3-days blackout, I was found telling the cools kids around my neighbourhood about energy conversion and my wish for us to all have solar panels planted on our roofs.

The younger ones were more engrossed in the my ted-talk, much more captivated by the possibility of electricity being generated from the solar radiation of the sun. It wasn't really my forte to explain more than I already knew or to go far from what I had read in the books, but I took pride in telling them everything I knew in detail and they all got to understand why science proves to be such a great part of human existence.

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