Not So Stable!


When something is stable, it's fixed and steady. If you needed advice, you'd probably go to your most stable friend, the one least likely to act crazy or be easily upset. Whether you're talking about an object or a person, the adjective stable implies reliability and strength. Link

The major reason why I love stability is that it is very much reliable. You know for sure that you would meet it at the point you left it. To be stable helps you to be valued but then it makes you predictable too.

Not so Stable then looks like a bend from stability. From the title, it is already sounding like a disadvantage. But the truth is, there are some times you have to be flexible.

Nevertheless, I am a fan of being stable. People can actually trust you when you are stable. It shows you know what you are doing, and where you are going. You would not be deceived or tossed to and fro when you are stable.

You stand your ground for what you believe in and it will prove well in the end.

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