Activate the Bomb!


We all know what a bomb is, and what it does. Of course, we see it a lot in movies and the likes. But I have taken the liberty to give a definition I saw online:

A bomb is an explosive weapon that uses the exothermic reaction of an explosive material to provide an extremely sudden and violent release of energy. Link

Activating the bomb would mean a major explosion in the area and a destruction to the environment.

So, here is how a bombe is activated:

A signal from the transmitter causes the receiver to trigger a firing pulse that operates the switch. Usually the switch fires an initiator; however, the output may also be used to remotely arm an explosive circuit. Link

I have never held a bombe before, and I don't think I would but seeing the in movies and what it does, even the effects of it. I wouldn't wish it close to anyone, it can cause trauma both emotional and physical trauma.

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