A Copy of Me...


There would be someone that looks like you.
There would be someone that has the same passion like you do.
There will be someone that shares the same height as you.
There will be someone that has the same character as you.
There will be someone that shares the same strength and flaws like you.
But all this cannot qualify him to be a copy of you.

We have a unique touch we bring to everything we do, it can be similar to that of another, the same process and method can be applied, but it still brings out it's distinction.

It is like two artist making an attempt to do a drawing, they may look alike in the end but the perspective of one differs from the other. A unique touch, and sense of entitlement comes to play whenever individuals are involved. You can have a copy of you, or even a copycat, but that's all they can be because they can never be you.

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