

I have always been a good storage for money,
Until my sister grew up,
Now it's like she knows how I think,
Everywhere I think of moving the money to,
It's like she is one step ahead of me,
I kept moving and moving the money,
But still the same results,
After I had exhausted all my options,
I confronted her,
And I discovered she was just having fun with the whole issue,
She wanted to prove her wits,
She claims to know every corner and hole in the house,
I was challenged again,
So I did move the money again,
This time it was in open sight,
But she couldn't find it,
I had hid it in her room,
Somewhere she would never figure out it is there,
I outsmarted her,
Although if it were this era,
I'll just deposit it in the bank.

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