Jason's Birthday Gift

This photo was taken by @wakeupkitty, the host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Jason properly parked his new electric scooter by the designated sidewalk, to ensure it didn't obstruct the pathway. He stepped back and admired it one more time before heading into the cinema to meet his friends.
He wanted to surprise his buddies with the news of his electric scooter. It was his birthday just yesterday and he had celebrated heartily, with friends and family. He had had lots of gifts and so much fun.
But close to midnight, a big and mysterious package had arrived, with no return address—a sleek green electric scooter.
"Holy Mary" Jason screamed, "This must be from Aunt May, I'm sure of it". Aunt May lived in faraway Australia and Jason had requested for an electric scooter because his dad didn't want to get him one.
"I'm sure your dad wouldn't like you to have one, because he had mentioned some safety concerns", Aunt May had cleverly nudged the conversation in other directions.

"This must be the surprise she planned for my birthday", he grinned from ear to ear, and couldn't wait to ride it to the cinema and show it off to everyone.
He was late for the cinema and the movie was already playing on the huge screen as he scanned the sea of heads, for his friends.
Suddenly, there was this gnawing at the pit of his stomach, a feeling of dread and terror, his adrenaline entered overdrive and he became so uneasy. He stood up and rushed outside, he was out of air in there but now his heart skipped several beats as he found the scooter missing from where he had left it.

"I parked it right here, I mean... Yes on this particular spot, I'm sure of it", he was frantic as he searched the whole area for his birthday gift. It dawned on him that it could have been stolen, and as he took his smartphone to call the police, he heard a very strange noise behind him. When he spun around, he saw the scooter coming closer to him, its light flickering erratically, casting looming shadows across the darkened alley. Horror struck, he discovered that there was no rider on the scooter which had now stopped by him. He wanted to flee, he couldn't move an inch, he uttered a piercing cry but it just ended as a hoarse croak. No one could hear or help him because he had come so far from the cinema while seeking for his lost gift. He stood there transfixed by an unseen force. As he reached out to touch it as if compelled, he was drawn in by very icy fingers into the unfathomable depth of the scooter. He realized too late that it was no ordinary scooter but a vehicle acting as a portal into the spirit world of dark souls. It's mission was to seek vengeance on the living who rode on it.

And another package arrived that night for Jason, and it read;
'From Aunt May with lots of love, sorry it's coming late darling, I wanted to surprise you', it was a sleek and shiny electric scooter.

And his parents patiently waited for Jason's return.

The End.

A story written by me.

Thank You For Stopping By My Neighbourhood.

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