A Mother's Love

The photo was taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse

"Jason, come here quickly" Darilyn shouted as she heard the honking of the school bus.

"Jemima, you too, here's your school bag, com'on hurry up, let's not keep 'em waiting" she hurriedly stirred her four-year-old daughter towards the door, carrying justin, her youngest child in her arms.

"Mom I'm ready", Jason had his toothy, mischievous smile and his bag strapped on his back.

The school bus was parked outside with some of the kids from the neighbourhood. She helped her children onto the bus while handing over Justin to the young matron.

Darilyn stood aside as the school bus pulled away, waving till it disappeared around the corner, the echoes of the excited kids mingling with the soft sob of Justin. It was his first day at school so this tearful episode marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. It was bitter-sweet for her, as she wiped the tears from off her eyes.

She quickly found solace in her chores, glancing intermittently at the grandfather's clock in the living room, eagerly awaiting their return. Her husband brings them back home but the school bus takes them to school in the mornings, Ethan leaves for work, too early.

She was a full time house wife and she never regretted it for one day. In the early days of their marriage, she had told Ethan that she would be a 'stay-at-home' Mom for her children, at least until the last was six. It was her decision and nothing could change her mind, she wanted to nurture her children herself, not leaving them at the mercy of house maids or au pairs. Ethan thought it best and gave his full support.

Now she has Jason,five, Jemima, four and Justin, two. She had four more years to enjoy the joys (chaos) of motherhood full time, yes it was chaotic alright but she had the sweetest memories of her life, with these little ones, ones she wouldn't trade for anything else in the world, she had no boundaries to the love she gives her children.

They had married when she was nineteen and Ethan was twenty three. They hadn't waited at all to start a family so Jason came ten months later. Since then she has never looked back, taking on motherhood with all the dedication and determination it required, making sacrifices to make her children strong and healthy. She knew she was living a fulfilled life, even though there were times everything seemed overwhelming, frustrating even but none ever compared to the happiness and pride she felt around her children everytime.

She had plans to go back to school as soon as Justin was six, to pursue a career in nursing, a vocation she had always loved, not for the money though she wouldn't mind that being part of the bargain. Ethan was heading the family business and he was doing so well, so money wasn't a problem, but she would really want to do something that would make a positive impact on people's lives.

On the home front, Ethan was a loving husband and a dedicated father, and she couldn't have asked for a better, better half. Theirs was a happy family and she knew she would do all it takes to keep it that way.

She smiled to herself as she snapped out of her daydreams.

They would be back soon and she needed to set the table, She had bought sponge cake along with two cups vanilla ice cream, and one cup chocolate ice cream (Jemima's favourite), oh how they would loved these. She had also bought a new teddy bear for Jemima who lost hers weeks ago. She had strategically placed it somewhere she could easily spot it. She could just imagine her squealing with ecstasy as soon as she saw it.

All these made motherhood more than delightful for her and you want to know what, she would do this again and again, and even in several lifetimes to come.

The End.

A story written by me.

Thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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