A Call From The Abyss

A contest by @freewritehouse and @wakeupkitty

It is steep and perilous
A mission almost impossible
Cloud and smoke in a tortuous kiss
The Sun hiding behind the curtains

She races to its edge's harm
Riding against ferocious winds
Waltzing with the bottomless pit
To heed a call from the yawning abyss

This grey cliff, this rocky stone
Cold as the Winter's Snow
And the birds, death's messengers
Witnessed her heart thorn away from his'

She searched for his dear soul
That uttered those precious words
Living one more day, each day
''For in folly, she thought she would find"

Now She embraces this night forever
She ends as fate had long set for her
His heart he did give to another
A call from the abyss, and she spreads her arms

An original poem by me.

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