The Witch House||A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Andrew cleared the cobwebs twined around the doorpost. Littered on the floor where wood dust and broken ceilings. The paint on the walls were faint except for the portraits of the old witch on the wall which seemed not to be affected by time.

"Don't ever visit the witch house" Andrew's dad had told him since he was 9. However, his curiosity wouldn't let him, he had wondered what was in the old building that made his dad forbid him to visit.

He stepped on the broken ceiling, careful about making his presence known. The building inside didn't look like what people perceive it to be from the outside, it was well decorated and had a few baby cradles in it. Andrew wondered if the old witch once had a baby. He became more curious to know what the building contains as he walked to the staircase.

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He was on the 7th staircase when he heard a creeping sound coming from upstairs. He paused for a while contemplating whether or not to go further but the sound persisted, this time softer like that of a baby. He held his breath and continued walking toward the upper room, his dad had told him the witch is blind and only perceives the presence of someone through their breath. He peeped through the pane window and saw a beautiful young woman holding a baby. She looked nothing like the image people had described her to be, he watched her for a while and when he was about to leave he stepped on a weak wood that gave way alerting the young lady. She rushed out quickly and met Andrews' leg stuck in the broken woody stairs.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Andrew stammered afraid of what she might do to him. She came closer and pulled out his feet stuck in the woody stairs.

Andrew felt relieved, she was a kind lady, a complete opposite of what he was told about her. She turned back to leave then Andrew spoke

"People say you're a witch"

"That's what they think, I've lived in his abandoned building for years afraid to come out during the day. Who lives in an abandoned building in the outskirts of the town if not a sorcerer? I have learned to live on my own".

"The ba..."

"The baby right?" She cut him in-between words"I saw her one evening alone in the street and then took her here"

"Care to stay for dinner?" She asked.

"No, maybe next time" he said as he walked toward the door. He was glad to have come, now he knew the abandoned building was not occupied by a sorcerer but no one ever believed his testimony.

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