The Fantasy light

Dan sat with utmost attention listening to the preacher talk about heaven. The discomfort of the wooden chair was no longer his concern as he switched his attention to what heaven looks like. Dan was a very religious man. He had waited for the world to come to an end ever since he heard a preacher talking about the end but then, it seemed as if it wasn't as close as he had thought. However, this message changed his life making him a religious man who loves heavenly talk.

In a flash, his imagination took him to the fantasy of a place he had visualized as heaven. He saw himself standing on a hill and could see a portal that leads to this place he calls home. From the portal came a brightness from the sun and around it were clouds.

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Between where he stood and the portal was a body of water which hindered him from crossing to the other side. He stood on the hill and watched from afar, there were too little details of what was happening in the portal. While his fantasy still played, a tap from his neighbor sitting next to him jerked him back to consciousness.
"You seemed carried away and smiling by yourself" he told Dan who looked at him confused at first then smiled realizing how far his fantasy had taken him.

He wasn't sure if the clouds that looked like a portal were what the heavens looked like, but it was a burden on him to read his bible a bit deeper, maybe the fantasy was a revelation of something true.
"I'm fine," he replied. As he stood to leave.

This is in response to pic1000 contest. Its opened for everyone to participate

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