Sophia's Violin

Sophia, a girl of 11 found love in playing violin. Violin to Sophia was a means in which she expressed her joy and sorrow, her dreams and hope, it was a means in which she told her own story. Each time she plays, memories of the past come rushing, reminding Angela, her mum of her youth, when she was a violist before the accident , a story Sophia didn't know. She had bought Sophia a violin when she was 6 hoping one day she'll develop interest in it and probably fulfill the dream she never did.

Watching Sophia play was a fulfillment to her, she could see herself in her and she ensured she provided every assistance Sophia needed.
"Always pour your emotions as you play" was Angela's advice to her lovely daughter , and Sophia gradually learned This act.

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by @wakeupkitty for the pic1000 contest

Sophia had returned from school one fateful day with a fallen countenance.
"What is it, my love? Why is your countenance dull" Angela asked her daughter who sobbed quietly in her closet.
"Ruth lost her arm in an accident today" she said as she let out an outburst she had held for some time. Ruth was her best friend who played violin as well, the feeling of not playing again hurt Sophia. Memories of them together started to flood her mind.

She ran to her room, held her cry and picked up the violin that was lying on the floor. She reminisced on all the memories she shared with Ruth and allowed her small fingers to move deftly over the strings. Her bow dances with grace and precision. Her eyes closed, lost in the music and her heart poured out with every note. As she played, Sophia's passion shone like a beacon, this time her music spoke of pain and memories. The room was entranced, mesmerized by the little girl's talent. Angela couldn't believe her ears, she had always wanted to play like this, she had always wanted to speak to the world through the sounds in her notes. Watching Sophia, she knew she was the answer to her dream.

As the final notes faded away, Angela's eyes sparkled, her face aglow with pride. She knew Sophia, through her violin, will become a voice she never became.

This is in response to the Pic1000 contest . Its opened to all users.

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