Pic100: A Portal between worlds

It was a tough decision for Georgia to make, standing between two worlds, one with which she was familiar with and the other which only had promises of all she had dreamed of. She was 16 and naive, but desperately wanted to know what the world outside looked like. The only description she had of the outside world was the painting her mum did, a place filled with cruelty and the other world filled with blossom flowers, gardening and happy people.

"This is a world we all hope to go to someday" her mother said to her one fateful day as she stared persistently at the frame. Georgia's curiosity heightened , wanting to know the cruel world, because only then would she differentiate what was bad from good. Keeping her locked indoor was only a torment to her.

Picture by freewritehouse

It was a lonely world and a lonely place. Only if she could get a portal that led to these worlds, she wished. On several occasions, she visualized herself standing on a portal that led to this world, one with which light shone from and the other dimmed. These were the pictures with which her mum had illustrated the two worlds. She only wish, that someday she'll be able to see the world just as her mum.

What I see from the image

A young girl standing in-between two worlds, she looks lonely. One of the worlds has a light shining through it and the other dimmed. I assume it to be the state of the young girl, probably inquisitive trying to judge between the two worlds.

This is in response to the Contest by @freewritehouse. The contest is still active for participation

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